Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The final walk

The problem with Peru is that there is just too many treks in too many different areas. We arrived Huaraz after hearing many greats things about the Cordillera Blanca (the surrounding mountain range). We were initially keen on the idea of trekking the Huayhuash area, but got the run around by a bunch of agencies and final some honest advice saying the weather had turned and the rain has begun. Not a good idea to start an 8 day trek. So we relented and took the easy option and did the Santa Cruz trek. The most popular in the region.
It all starts with a solid 5 hours on the road or slushy mud track as it were. Upon entering the national park you get some great scenery. Massive steep cliff faces and odd laguna.We then climbed and climbed and climbed. Numerous switchbacks in a fairly crowded minivan on a dirt road covered in snow melt.
After surviving the drive, we then walked.Nice green valleys with a lot more vegetation than we were use too. Surrounded by snow capped mountains.More photographic indulgement. It's a pretty pretty place.
More reflective glory.The snow started at about 4200m asl. Bella being happy to be back in it again. Plenty more to come in Canada.The track soon became a just rock. Either little ones or massive ones. All with melted snow running over it. The pass we are walking to is pretty much above the guy with the white pack´s head.Conquerer of the pass at 4750m asl. Our donkeys heading back down the other side.

The valley from where we had come.The weather was crazy. We had mostly cloud but also rain and snow and even occassionally some sun. At camp that night with the pass now clear on the right.A little 5900m peak in the early morning light.Alpamayo. One of the most beautiful mountains in the world. Not sure how you rate it but this is about as much as we saw.Back in Huaraz. A stunningly located town.

Now, no more trekking and to the beach. Although my hopes are not set high.